# Exceptions, transformers, primitive
## Error handling
Let's discuss the different ways you can handle errors in general
## Explicit return checking
Examples: C, Go
if err != nil { return err }
Explicit, obvious, tedious, easy to forget
## Explicit with sum types
Examples: none?
eres1 <- doSomething
case eres1 of
Left e -> handleError1 e
Right x -> do
eres2 <- doSomething2 x
* Forced to consider `Left` case...
* Unless you don't care about the result (`putStrLn`)
## Sum types with language help
Examples: Rust
let x = doSomething()?;
let y = doSomething2(x);
* Bonus: compiler warning/error on ignored `Result`
* Less tedious, difficult to get wrong
* Have to wrangle different exception types
## Monad transformer
Examples: Haskell, others?
foo :: ExceptT MyExceptionType IO Y
foo = do
x <- doSomething
y <- doSomething2 x
return y
* Explicit in the exception type
* ... assuming no exceptions in `IO` itself
* Still need to wrangle different exception types
## Unchecked runtime exceptions
Examples: almost everyone
foo :: IO Y
foo = do
x <- doSomething
y <- doSomething2 x
return y
* No idea what can go wrong
* No tedium
* Much faster than transformers
* In Haskell, this means `SomeException` is thrown from `IO`, always
## Reality in Haskell
* `IO` _does_ have unchecked exceptions
* `ExceptT` over `IO` has `SomeException`
* My argument: `ExceptT` over `IO`, in practice, is a bad idea
* Question: if we designed Haskell from the ground up today, would we
still include unchecked exceptions?
## Nice things in Haskell
This code is nice
timeout tenSeconds someHTTPRequest
So is this
race fileWatcher userCode
How do we get this?
## Async exceptions
* Send exceptions to a thread from somewhere else
* No way to control what type of exception may be received
* Therefore: any `IO` action can receive an exception of any type
* Necessitates an unchecked exception world
* Once you have that, you have to assume `IO` can fail with anything
at any time
* Caveat: you can `mask` temporarily for resource cleanup purposes
## Dealing with async exceptions
Same approach used by the new unliftio package, docs still in transition
## What about transformers?
* Already know `ExceptT` can address async exceptions
* Can we deal with synchronous exceptions in transformer code?
* https://www.snoyman.com/reveal/monad-transformer-state
* https://www.yesodweb.com/blog/2014/05/exceptions-cont-monads
## Exception handling best practices
* https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2016/11/exceptions-best-practices-haskell
## The RIO monad
## Still have time for more?
Let's play with some really fun stuff
* https://haskell-lang.org/tutorial/primitive-haskell
* <https://wiki.haskell.org/Evaluation_order_and_state_tokens>